Photography Tips & Information

Photography Tips & Information

Canon 60D

Understanding the Auto Focus Mode DSLR Camera

   Nowadays almost all digital SLR cameras equipped with several options how to perform autofocus camera (autofocus mode). Photographing silent vase on the table would require a different way of autofocus with photographing young children who were dribbling field. Intentionally this discussion about not autofocus and manual focus so that not too long.

Continuous Autofcus

   When shooting stationary objects, we usually use a single point of focus, lock focus entirely new photograph. But when photographing objects / people who are always moving switch positions, we need a camera that is capable of moving the focus point automatically follow the seubyek. The good news DSLR camera equipped with such features. Let surgical one by one:

Canon 60D

Autofocus Mode Single Area

   In Canon DSLR cameras was named "One Shot AF" while in the Nikon DSLR camera called the "Single Area AF". From the name is quite clear that we choose a focus point and then the camera will look for contrasts in one area of the focal point. When we pressed the shutter button halfway or AF-On button pressed (if using a DSLR camera that has a dedicated button AF-On), the camera will lock focus at that point yet. If subject to change position and although we still push the shutter button halfway, the camera will not move the focus automatically.

  In this fashion, we will not be able to squeeze a full shutter (taking photos) before the camera can lock the focus point. However, this provision could be tricked through settings in the menu autofocus and set the focus priority.

Continuous Autofocus Mode / AI Servo

   This mode on camera Nikon DSLR named "Continuous / AF-C" while at Canon named "AI Servo". This mode is used when we have to follow a subject that continues to move the position of photos, for example, when we are shooting sports, animals or a car that was speeding.

   In this mode, the camera will menganilis subject movement and predict where the direction of motion of the subject by placing the focal point slightly precedes the existence of the subject. With the Continuous mode, we can follow the movement of the subject and get a sharp focus. The trick is to keep the shutter button pressed halfway while aiming to continue the movement of the subject or the AF-On button pressed with the thumb (if any).

Autofocus Mode Hybrid / Mixed Between Single and Continuous

   At Canon DSLR camera called "AI Focus" while in Nikon named "AF-A". A focus mode between Single and Continuous mixture where the camera will change the focus from single to continuous or vice versa according to the condition of the subject of the photo. If the camera secretly photographed will wear a temporary single moving object the camera will switch to the Continuous mode.

   Not all types of DSLR cameras have this mode. For beginners, this mode selection is actually quite helpful because it does not need to toggle the focus mode.

Autofocus Mode Which One Should You Use

The conclusion is actually quite easy:

When shooting stationary objects or people who pose please use Single mode
When photographing moving objects constantly, use Continuous mode
For everyday purposes, you can leave the default camera in position mode or continuous mode hybrid. Just when the camera can not lock the focus in Continuous mode, for example when shooting in dark conditions rather please move to the Single mode.
For starters, his hands still not too agile toggle quickly focus mode, you can use a hybrid mode (if indeed there on camera).

How to Change the Focus Mode

   How to change the focus mode is not the same from one camera to another camera. For that I suggest manually check each one. In Nikon D300s / D700, you can find that there is a small hook on the front left of the lens mount: AF-S, AF-C and M (amanual).

Canon 60D

    While at Canon (eg EOS 60D), you can change their focus mode by pressing the AF button at the top of the camera will appear in the focus mode selection on the LCD panel. Do not forget to see also Basic Techniques Shooting Method Using DSLR Camera, and Four Greatest Options of Canon EOS 70d. This information may be helpful and useful.

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